I held a book that feared no flame
Not freezing ice
Nor sodding rain
No fang or Acid
Or lightning called to blast it
Could bruise its spine thru the years lost to time
It withstood the power of a great wurms jaws
Ignored the strikes of every monster, beast & hulk with claws
None had enough strength or rage to disturb a single page
This tome is a curse
Bringing it here made life forever worse
It Ghosted a city
Enshrouded the skies
Evicted a world
Then Fouled our pearl supplies
I shoulda stopped
I shoulda quit
But I just had to know…
…what was in it.
I dared it to open
I asked it to speak
To share some knowledge
Thats all I seeked
After much time
It was forced open
I Briefly saw a page
“This is bad..” my last words spoken
Words & Symbols, encrusted links
Mixtures of blood and metal
Alchemical Ink
From my finger tips
And the corners of my eyes
A red mist pooled in the air & floated by
Limbs grew weak
Eyes were heavy
No longer there…standing steadily
It wrenched my guts
And sapped my brain
No longer feeling muscle strain
My spine gave way
My mind bled thru
I left that world and now whisper to you
One by one
And two by two
More people came
To get a view
What?…Oh my yes, they all died too
By this profane book
With no authors or names
No binding clasp
No identifiable markings for claim
Just a dark outter cover acompanied by what looks like stains.
On the ground where it lies
After taking its last life
The surrounding earth turned dark
Stones became red
Each day forward it continued to spread
Now the city is empty
Locked down and forbidden
The whole provice in exile
All entrances hidden
Sharp spools of thorn wire blanket farm fields
Tall imperial block barriers stretched for miles
And an arcane wall in the center of it all
Are the landmarks of this great fall
Now the forgotten sit in silence
Waiting for a soul to create an alliance
As we watch thru the veil
At the sad end of our tale.
Our home star now vacant
All routes in now barred
So tell me… how did you get here?
I know ur lost but how’d you make it this far?