Pay your price

Give it twice

Make your promise

Darkest Night

Fell the Stars

Bring the Comet

That carries Flesh

Still riding on it

Softly Softly 

Speak in Tongue

Deep in Hearts

What shall be done

Kill Kill Hate Hate

Murder Murder


Whisper Whisper

Round the Star

Sanguine Hands

Reach a Far

Call the Body

Call the Limbs

Call the Head

With Deviled Grin

Read our Minds

Profane our Hearts

Set the Stage

Nightmares Start

Black Hole Sun

Still the Wind

Calm the Tide

All lives End

Beat your Wings

Thrash your Tail

Sow your Talons

On flesh like Nails

Take their Homes

Take their Land

Build your Temple

Thru rotting Hands

Blood and Stench

Far and Wide

Take your Throne

Fiend Lord Prime

Kill Kill 

Hate Hate

Murder Murder 
