Blue Boxberry Dream
“On a sunny day under heated skies
Winds whisper where magic lies
Blue boxberry dreams
The song you will sing
An Iced Lolly Frozen delight
To cool the spirits just right
Mystic hues in every bite
Frost so sweet
A sorcerer’s delight
Hadonna’s song
A witch’s Marquee
Blue boxberry magic
Come set it free
Cauldron of frost & a melodius brew
Chanting enchantments
Old and new
Wildest wildvine wood
Coldest chest of chilling
Patience with pouring
There can be no spilling
Boxberry flesh boxberry fruit
Ripest flowered spring sugar chute
A Crystalized spell in the frozen air
Chilled sour sweet whispers Beyond compare
Glistening crystals, swirling bright
Hadonna’s voice
A spell’s pure light
From my lips, the magic flows
Blue boxberry wonder
Soothes the spirit from head to toes”
Yoke: Hadonna, are you the only Cook Witch that can make these?
Hadonna: The only one? Oh no not at all. Everyone can make these where I’m from. However, I have refined mine to give us some extra benefit.
Yoke: Whats that?
Hadonna: They make you feel good when you normally would feel like shit!
*Hadonna proudly smiles at Yoke.
Yoke: Oh, ok well….fantastic Hadonna, thanks.
*Hadonna carefully hands the frozen treat to Yoke
Hadonna: Welcome!!
*Yoke takes a small bite of the ice pop.
Yoke: Oh wow, this is awesome. Wow, its really good!
*the rest of the crew all take a frozen ice pop from Hadonna followed by a flow of compliments to Hadonna on her boxberry dream cook spell.